
Thursday, February 14, 2013


Its another day in the kitchen and I am just happy to be back to the place where I love the most and do the thing that I love the most and that is cooking. Last week, my schedule was fully booked with activities. In just a day, I have to be in two different events, preparing dishes since I am also into the catering business. My presence is really a must when I am serving events. These events are not just simple events. I am cooking for large functions and gatherings. In one occasion, I prepared around 1000 plates and served 3 viands and cakes. I can say it was a busy for a chef like me. I even called my friend chefs to help me in the events that I am catering. Thank God I have my meal planner with me. I cannot imagine doing these food preparations without my meal planner. You can checkout this meal planner more information here...

By next week, I have to be in Singapore for a wedding event of my cousin. I am also the chef assigned to do the nice work in the kitchen in this event. I will be staying there for about 5 days and will also be meeting with some Singaporean chefs that will be assisting me in the kitchen. I am starting to feel the excitement when I get there....I will be missing my kitchen again by that....

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