
Sunday, December 29, 2013


Holiday feast is not yet over. There are plenty of foods that need to be attended or else it will just go to the trash can as food waste. Last Christmas, I received an entire leg of lechon or roasted bore. It was so big that I can think of any recipe that I can cook for the roasted bore leg. My partner told me that it would be better to distribute it to our restaurant workers. I totally disagree since it was given to me and I have to consume it. Thinking of ways to deal to this food crisis. I decided to make a recipe out of it. 

Instead of using the microwave oven in heating the roasted bore leg, I sliced it to bite sizes and fry it. I added garlic, a little salt to taste and pepper and spring onions for added aroma in the recipe. I cooked it for about 3 minutes.

 Lechon is a delicacy that is most present in every noche buena. Since this food is big expect leftovers after the celebration. Aside from frying the lechon, it is also ideal to cook the adobong lechon of the pinakuposan or deep fried. No matter what the dish you prepare as long it is cooked with love, you will never go wrong.