
Thursday, February 25, 2010


I was in the house of my chef friend and things were getting a little bit boring. So, we decided to make something and that is a contest among us. The rule was to navigate the recipe books around and learn as many as four dishes and then cook it as fast as you can. We were around 5 in that meeting and we almost digested the entire recipe book collection of our friend. From the easy American dishes to the more detailed Italian dishes were all tackled. Our friend'c kitchen was big enough to accommodate all 5 chefs, busy and engaging in cooking.

We all wanted to make the dishes delicious and we also invited some of our chef friends in the culinary school to visit the house be the cooking judge. The cooking of the dishes started around 10 am and was done by 10:55. We cooked all the dishes that we memorized and present it in the grandest food preparation we can. There were no prizes given but only laughter.

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